On The Road to Morocco (not the movie)
/Yes, it’s been a minute since my last travel blog, and this trip is a big one. When I found out over a year ago that Rabbi Max Weiss at Oak Park Temple was planning a trip for our congregation to Morocco, I was filled with excitement! Of course I wanted to go - it would be my first trip to the continent of Africa, and Morocco had been on my bucket list of places to visit. Now I had the opportunity to see this fascinating country, and experience it in a group setting with a Jewish theme.
Photo Courtesy Encyclopedia Britannica
I know very little about the Jewish history of Morocco; I know very little about this country’s history in general, but I’m about to learn a great deal. We will travel to several cities, including Casablanca, Fez and Marrakech. We will visit many Jewish sites, but we will also visit one of the largest mosques in the world outside of Mecca. Traveling is my passion, mostly because I love to learn - but by traveling to foreign countries it allows us to understand other cultures. It allows us to see our similarities and respect our differences.
Photo Courtesy Paramount Pictures
Yes, Sara and I are on the Road to Morocco, but not like the 1942 movie. This trip will be enlightening, adventurous, and very 21st century. We head out today (a multitude of thanks to Glenn and Colin for taking care of the precious pups at home) and arrive on Monday. Best of all, we get to share this with you! First stop, Casablanca!